Sunday 6 July 2014

Tour de Yorkshire

As the Tour de France UK leg went very close to Daniel's work we decided to get involved knowing very little about cycling and go watch today. We had a lovely French lunch in The Petit Cafe next to Daniel's work and posed with the yellow bike on display, then hiked up the hill to Grenoside to the route.

The day turned out to be nicer than forecast and waterproofs were not needed! We had a good spot that Daniel's Dad got on a corner and then waited for hours for the race to go by. In the end it didn't feel that long but you do start to get dead legs! Eventually the police vehicles turned to red (which means its not long) then all the advertising cares came by.

A little later than 3.47 which was when they predicted they would come through ( I think the hills got the better of them!) came more police closely followed by the riders. A great Yorkshire welcome cheered them by and in a flash they were gone! You could literally blink and miss it they ride so fast, you can't even tell anyone specific in the race - they all merge together! Anyho it was a good day out and Yorkshire definitely put on a good show both in Leeds yesterday and today.

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