Monday 20 April 2009

First day back...

So the first day back fills everyone with dread - you know you have to be there but no one really wants to be at school! Surprisingly though it was not actually that bad a day and the weather was fab! Classic question of the day - which to be honest you'd only find interesting if you were a geographer, or knew the pupil in mention - What ecosystem is the desert?? Hmmm...let me think! Though the meeting on redundancies we could have done without!!!

Thinking randomly earlier - if you were to be an animal what would you be? People were surprised to hear I'd be a camel - you have good endurance, look a little cheeky, get to spit at people you don't like AND you get away with it!!! Awesome.

Sad to hear Stephen Hawking was admitted to hospital - to be a little geeky he's done a lot for science - though is a little scary! Bet the guys on The Big Bang love him! If you google Stephen Hawking and electric dreams the music video you find is (albeit wrong) very funny!

Sunday 19 April 2009

Newsletter trauma

Ok so it's now the end of the Easter holidays, monday morning at school is looming!! Grrrrr, oh well 5 weeks til the next holiday!!

I have been trying to write an entertaining/interesting article for the school newsletter - oh my life how difficult is that. It has to be informative and funny but at the same time remain clean!!! After 3 days of dilly dallying I finally have the finished article, jazzed up with lyrics from London Calling by The Clash - which will obviously mean nothing to the tiddlypeeps. Wonder what they have in store for us tomorrow?? Ideas on a postcard please!!

Oh and another couple of weird dreams - learning to ski doesn't seem that bad but what about drinking coffee in the staffroom where all the tables had been taken away and the free cakes that were being given out, you suddenly have to pay for! Along with people acting and dressing slightly strange ie 1980s jackets made of a mix of suede and leather made it a very odd dream indeed...

To fill you in...

Ok so I’m new to this blog lark and obviously have many insightful thoughts – well I moan a lot (in a comical way) and in the true spirit of the 21st century these musings deserve space in the virtual world.

So before we get to the present day let me fill you in. It is definitely true what they say, you can take the girl out of the city but you can’t take the city out of the girl and after spending 23years in London I now live in a little village in the countryside up north. After lots of back and forth to uni I have settled at being a geography teacher which has its good and bad moments – the kids cockney rhyming slang is coming on a treat though! There have been many a comical moment of which people frequently remind me of – some of which I’m sure will find its way on here!!

So what’s been and gone this year and what is there left to look forward to? Well the first thing I looked forward to this year was a very tasty sausage sandwich; I decided you always need something to look forward to however small, followed by half term in Prague. Prague is a lovely place with lots of interesting architecture and sculptures to look at which you can see below – the snow made it look very picturesque, though it was bloody cold! And despite everyone asking I don’t recall seeing prostitutes lining the streets – unless I thought they were just girls on nights out!!

The past couple of months have been relatively uninteresting but busy – parent’s evenings, assessments, occasional nights out - the usual. However, things to look forward to…well, white water rafting is going to be cool, followed by Take That at Wembley then holiday!! Very excited, two and a bit weeks touring western America, going to be very cool! No doubt there will be lots to say in the run up to that!

So that’s about it…oh but just a random extra to start this blog going I had a crazy dream the other night where I woke up in terror…I was an au pair with the American from the apprentice – we had to look after two kids, she had the toddler and I had the baby and these aliens were after us. The one time I turned around there were computer game style witches chasing me. Whilst protecting the baby I had to pick up the little witches and throw them at the big ones to not get caught – it was like I was in an actual game – very terrifying. Any ideas at what this could mean??