Saturday 30 May 2009

Long time no posts!!! But lots happening...

Yes I know it's been a long time since this has been updated but its been a busy time!! To sum up for you here are the highlights of the past few weeks...

White water rafting was definitely cool. After a journey where it rained the entire way there, the sun actually came out for the two and a half hours on board the raft, for it to then rain the entire journey back!! After our safety talks we were kitted out in very sexy wetsuits, buoyancy aids and helmets and then carried our rafts down to the water. Though it is on a natural river it was a man made course so rapids were guaranteed. Being the only lady in our raft i did slip out at one point and floated off clinging to my paddle!! Though at times seemed to be paddling harder than some of the men in the raft!!! After going round the rapids in our rafts we were then shown how to jump in and float down the rapids clinging onto nothing but our life jackets!!!

So i can now tick white water rafting off my things to try list and one that i would definitely do again.

Half term has also now passed, back to work Monday, boooo, but it has been a busy and eventful week. After finishing school last Friday the weekend started with a Help for Heroes charity concert at Nottingham barracks on Saturday which was brilliant. The bands were very talented and the music was exceptional. I particularly liked Baker Street and their 80s medley! I'm glad we didn't have to sing along to the national anthem as horror of horrors i don't actually know the words!!! Shhhhh don't tell!!! But i would visit again - all those men in uniform, I'd be crazy not to!

Sunday i drove down to London to stay with the family and visit those still in the big smoke. That evening was spent rooting around in the loft looking for old pictures to embarrass my sister on her 40th birthday and these had me and the folks in stitches. As it turns out myself and my sisters have a history of digging holes in the sand - sand pits in the garden, trenches in Spain, a giant hole in Tunisia that was so big it had steps down into it, a very odd tradition. I also found out that mum was offered 300 camels for my sister by a little Tunisian boy!!! That had me in creases as we had pictures of the camels!!!

Monday we saw a fab modern day circus show, La Clique, which was very odd in places but the acts were again very talented. I'm not going to go into the finer details however star spangled banner played on a whistle not blown by one's mouth was interesting!!! The days that followed was spent shopping, drinking and visiting an old uni friend which was fab. It's times like this that i actually miss London. Though that thought did not cross my mind when wedged into a train and standing on the busy corner of Leicester Square trying to find someone only a foot away but couldn't see them due to the sea of tourists!!!! Living away from the capital definitely makes me appreciate it more when i visit.

Anyway it's back to school, booo, but for the final term before the 6 week holidays yay...let the countdown begin to the summer holiday!!!

Sunday 10 May 2009

A relaxing weekend...

Just as I settled down to update you all here a strange knock at our door sent us into confusion. Upon opening the door a very strange person indeed was asking for Mr Rich?? Trying to get information out of someone who can barely speak the same language as yourself was proving too much work for a Sunday evening and eventually it turns out he'd come to see the room - what room? Odd ball...he was sent packing!!!

It has been a relaxing weekend - partly because I now can not move due to my over enthusiasm on my new Wii Fit. I do think though the Wii Fit is awesome especially my jogging buddy who turns around and waves at me every now and again to check i haven't collapsed into a heap!! I also made a lovely dinner this evening - roasted peppers stuffed with Moroccan spicy cous cous on a bed of wilted spinach with salad, mmmmm. Maybe I'll do some baking soon as i haven't done some for a while.

It is going to be a crazy week this week. School is busy as usual, with a few exciting additions this week - rare to say that when it involves school work but I'm quite looking forward to observing one of the deputy head candidates teaching on Tuesday, followed by a day in Leeds on a course Wednesday, where they always give you a good lunch, behaviour policy meeting Thursday and the quiz in the evening and then get to the weekend and I'm off white water rafting. Busy busy...can't complain i have nothing to do this week!!

Another weird dream this week, i went to play bingo with a Friend and when we got there to a very glamorous bingo hall we walked into someone we wanted to avoid, unsuccessfully as they came and joined us playing bingo, our bingo cards were made up of the alphabet, not numbers, of which i remember highlight the O's and the guy sitting next to us had three mouths!!! I am definitely looking up the meaning to this!

So time to now chill before the alarm goes off tomorrow morning at 6.30am and the madness begins...

Friday 1 May 2009

What a week...

Well what a week...who says teachers do nothing and get too many holidays, all I've done this week is mark coursework!!! Thankfully it has all now been posted off and time to chill a bit! So pub quiz it was and what a disappointment - again, one day we will win (only really if no one else turns up!!!) During our conversations though it transpires that a blast from my past has reared his french head as it turns out he did his teaching practice with one of my recent friends - sometimes our world is just a little too small for my liking!!!