Friday 14 August 2009

San Diego Delight!

After being glared at for being last on the coach we headed off down the coast to San Diego. First stop, San Diago old town which was very was like stepping back in time! Saloons lined to square with old candy stores and a flag pole inthe centre - was very pretty and havily influenced by Mexico. We also found some Tequila flavoured cookies!!!

We had a wander around to see what they had to offer, like a Saints and Sinners tour, which sounded awesome if we were there at night - i would have been a sinner lady of the night definately!

We then headed to Balboa Park, no not relatred to Rocky! A lovely place which had all thier museums in it, could easily spend a day there.

Our journey continued through the down town area, which is really modern being only about 30 years old to Seaport Village on San Diago Bay. Surrounded by navel bases and military bases - ahhhh perfect - or would have been if we actually saw some sailors not just a statue of one! Oh well better than nout!

Final stop of the day was to the harbour for a boat tour of the bay. People here are so nice too - guy on the boat having a chat taking our photo, very friendly. Being up close and personal with teh military ships was cool. San Diago is definately a place to come back to - people are friendly, it is clean and each part has its own character. Even the suburbs round Mission Hills was definately a place i could live - an San Diego High School looks nice from the outside, hmmmm, an avenue to explore me thinks! And - very importantly - all those military and naval guys at your disposal - sounds good to me!!!

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